(5 Courses Available)
Electric current and circuit (K-A)
Electric potential and potential difference (K-A)
Circuits, Ohm's law and resistance (K-A)
Factors on which resistance of a conductor depends on (K-A)
Series and parallel resistors (K-A)
Solving a circuit with series and parallel resistors (K-A)
Electric power and heating effect of current (K-A)
Electric circuit with Bulbs (K-A)
Commercial unit of electrical energy (K-A)
Reflection of light (K-A)
Concave and convex mirrors and their applications (K-A)
Spherical mirrors (K-A)
Spherical mirrors image formation (K-A)
Sign convention (K-A)
Mirror formula derivation (Bonus) (K-A)
Mirror formula and magnification (K-A)
Refraction of light (K-A)
Absolute and relative refractive index (K-A)
Refraction of light through glass slab (K-A)
Image formation by spherical lenses (K-A)
Lens formula derivation (Bonus) (K-A)
Lens formula and magnification (K-A)
Dioptres and power of a lens (K-A)
Prepare for CBSE board exam (K-A)
Magnets and magnetic fields (K-A)
Magnetic fields due to straight wire carrying electric current (K-A)
Magnetic field due to current carrying loops and solenoids (K-A)
Force on current carrying wire in magnetic field (K-A)
Electric motor (K-A)
Electromagnetic induction (K-A)
Electric generator (K-A)